Inclusive Employment - On-the-job support FAQs

Back to topHow long will I be supported by my Inclusive Employment Consultant?

During the agreed settling-in period of your employment we will be in contact on a frequent basis.

Once you and your employer are happy that you have settled in well, we will check in on you on a regular (as agreed) basis to ensure that things are still progressing well. You can always contact us when needed.

Back to topWhat additional support will I get in my job?

It depends on your needs; your Inclusive Employment Consultant will work with your employer to ensure any required assistance or support is in place.

We will liaise with you and your employer to ensure the arrangement is working well for you both and make adjustments until everyone is satisfied. You will also have a contact number and email address for us, should you need to ask for help.

Back to topWill there be someone in the organisation who is aware of my disability that will be ‘looking out for me’?

Yes, we will ensure the employer appoints a work buddy or mentor and that you feel comfortable with them.

Back to topWill I be safe in the workplace?

We will assess all the potential risks in the workplace to make sure you are as safe as possible.

Back to topWill I lose time at an ECL day centre as a result of working?

You will find you don’t need us as much whilst you are working, and we will provide support to you throughout your employment.

Back to topWhat happens if employment doesn’t work out for me? Would I be able to receive my care package and benefits once more?

If you stop working, any benefits that were affected by your income would be reinstated.