Introducing our Inclusive Employment Employer Engagement Team

Our Inclusive Employment Service is going from strength to strength and as a result the team is growing rapidly. We now have over 50 Inclusive Employment consultants and our Employer Engagement resource has recently expanded from one person, Employer Engagement Lead Emma Young (nee Gilson), to a team of three.

Emma has been joined by Bobby Wise, Inclusive Employment Job Broker South and West Essex, and Jenny Price, Inclusive Job Broker North and Mid Essex.

Employer Engagement Lead and Team Leader Emma said: “It’s great to now have a team of us responsible for connecting with local employers. With Bobby and Jenny on board we have the capacity to build our employer relationships across the whole of Essex which is just fantastic. They both bring with them a wealth of experience and between the three of us we will be able to connect with more employers and encourage them to be more inclusive in their recruitment strategies, hopefully achieving many more successful outcomes for our customers.”

Bobby has a background in healthcare recruitment and comes with experience of supported employment having worked for the Shaw Trust. He joined ECL in March and is responsible for building relationships with business in west Essex to find sustainable employment opportunities for our customers.

Bobby said: “It’s a great role. The most enjoyable part of it is seeing the customer’s journey. Seeing their confidence grow and seeing them get their desired outcome is really rewarding. It’s great to see how supportive and inclusive the employers we work with are, and their enthusiasm to become more disability confident is great.”

Jenny joined us in May from our Reablement team. Jenny has a background in retail originally but then decided on a career change and joined our Reablement team as a Community Care Assistant. She then went on to be a Trusted Assessor as well as taking a secondment as a Local Business Manager. She was looking for a new challenge when the role in our Inclusive Employment Team caught her attention.

Jenny said: “It is extremely rewarding to see the outcomes that we can achieve. Seeing how our support helps build customer confidence is really satisfying. I am very customer focused which is why I know I am going to enjoy this role.”

More information about ECL's Inclusive Employment Service

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