The care of Essex residents secured this Christmas

After the difficulties experienced by national care provider, Allied Healthcare, Essex County Council used its Local Authority Trading Company, Essex Cares Ltd (ECL), to secure care services for people in Essex.

After financial and quality issues experienced by Allied Healthcare earlier in the year, the Care Quality Commission issued a warning to Local Authorities in November that Allied was at risk of failure and plans should be made to ensure continuity of care.

Allied provided Domiciliary care and Reablement services to over six hundred people in Essex.

Having considered a number of options in response to the crisis, Essex County Council (ECC) decided to terminate its contract with Allied Healthcare for reablement services in Essex and awarded a new reablement contract to ECL.

ECL was created by Essex County Council in 2009 and has a strong track record of working with the Council.

In the past two years, ECL has been recognised by the Care Quality Commission for delivering excellent quality services with ‘Good’ ratings across all of its services.

The new service launched on 10 December 2018.

Working together, ECC and ECL have successfully secured reablement services in Essex ensuring the safety and wellbeing of 300 Essex residents and job security for 200 staff this Christmas.

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