FAQs for Inclusive Employment Candidates

You’re about to embark on a life changing journey so it’s understandable if you have some questions or concerns. We hope our handy FAQs will help put your mind at ease, however if we haven’t answered your question below, please contact us and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

Funding & Benefits

Will money coming from employment mean that the Local Authority will pay less towards the funding of my care package?

Will being employed affect my benefits?

Will I receive any funding or grants to help me access work?

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Preparing you for the world of work

Will I get choice over the work I do?

What if I don’t feel ready for paid employment?

What if I don’t have all of the skills I need to do the job I would like to do?

Will I need a CV?

Will I need to attend interviews?

Do I have to work full time hours?

How will I travel to my job?

Can a person with a learning disability be paid less than the national minimum wage?

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On-the-job support

How long will I be supported by my Inclusive Employment Consultant?

What additional support will I get in my job?

Will there be someone in the organisation who is aware of my disability that will be ‘looking out for me’?

Will I be safe in the workplace?

Will I lose time at an ECL day centre as a result of working?

What happens if employment doesn’t work out for me? Would I be able to receive my care package and benefits once more?

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