ECL has won the prestigious award ‘Public Private Partnership’ at the Laing Buisson Awards
This national industry recognition comes following the success of Step 2 Home, ECL’s residential reablement service partnership which eased pressure on the NHS significantly during last year’s lockdown.

With NHS services at capacity, options were limited for those who were medically fit but needed more support before returning to their own homes, and extended hospital stays were no longer an option. In direct response, ECL partnered with Essex County Council and NHS partners to set up Step 2 Home on 8th May 2020 in record time at former care home Howe Green. Without Step 2 Home, its 62 customers would have gone into high-care residential placements due to their District Nursing needs and unsuitable home arrangements.
In addition to high-quality accommodation and wrap-around support, the Step 2 Home service included Physio and Occupational Therapy onsite daily, with District Nursing, GPs and Pharmacy to avoid hospital readmission. Despite operating at the height of Covid-19 cases, no outbreak occurred at Howe Green. Strict infection control protocols were employed including an Amber ward to isolate new customers for Covid-19 testing and a no visitor policy. To help with potential feelings of isolation, customers were offered the use of an Alcove carephone – an intuitive device that enabled them to make video calls to friends and family members, to keep in touch for the duration of their stay. ECL also adjusted staffing ratios to allow 24-hour constant supervision to customers who needed it.
When hospital pressures eased and the service ended on 20th July 2020, over 80% of discharges successfully returned home or to a permanent place of residence. The ‘Public Private Partnership’ award win this year signifies the successes of Step 2 Home during a difficult period. This is ECL’s second award win of the month, having won the ‘Care Innovator’ award at The Great British Care Awards for Inclusive Employment Business Manager Sue Wray’s dedication to their Inclusive Employment Service.
We are delighted to have been recognised by the Laing Buisson Awards for Step 2 Home, which was such an important service to support the NHS in their time of need. The speed at which Step 2 Home was designed, commissioned, and mobilised is testament to the hard work and incredible cooperation of ECL, Essex County Council, and NHS staff. With just two weeks between commission and setup, we have no doubt our team’s rapid response to the NHS’s plight aided positive outcomes.
While Step 2 Home was a short-term partnership, our commitment to care is forever. We hope that this recognition will raise awareness of the incredible work ECL does, providing care and support to thousands across Essex.
Find out more about ECL’s services.