Inclusive Employment FAQs; preparing you for the world of work

Back to topWill I get choice over the work I do?

Absolutely, at the start of your journey your Inclusive Employment Consultant will work with you to complete a Vocational Profile.

This will tell us what type of work:

  1. you want to do
  2. would best match your needs
  3. would best match your skills and strengths

Back to topWhat if I don’t feel ready for paid employment?

We can help you to get work experience, apprenticeships, or voluntary work to help build your skills and confidence.

Back to topWhat if I don’t have all of the skills I need to do the job I would like to do?

We will help you learn new skills and identify relevant training courses to develop the skills you need.

Back to topWill I need a CV?

Yes, but don’t worry, we will help you to produce a winning CV. We will also help with job applications and covering letters.

Back to topWill I need to attend interviews?

Most likely yes, but don’t worry, we will help you prepare for the interview so you’re confident.

Back to topDo I have to work full time hours?

Not necessarily, we will help you find a job that offers hours to suit your needs.

Back to topHow will I travel to my job?

We will ensure your job is within a comfortable distance for you to travel to. We will provide travel training so that you are confident with the journey before you do it independently.

Back to topCan a person with a learning disability be paid less than the national minimum wage?

No, a person with a learning disability must be paid the same as other employees for the same work. The National Minimum Wage must be paid as a minimum.

A person with a learning disability can often do the same job as anyone else with the right support.